
From gears and gearboxes to other precision products, we use decades of knowledge in applications and design, the latest manufacturing methods and techniques, and years of engineering development and experience in the field, to provide the best, most durable products for our customers.


Gears have always been our specialty. Somewhat of a niche product in the manufacturing world, gears have been around since the early ages and have greatly impacted our history and the way we live. Advances in design, material, heat treatment, and manufacturing processes, have made possible incredible feats – taking us to the moon, exploring the depths of our oceans, and drilling miles below our feet. Li Gear's focus is on industrial gearing, where we can do the best job and the most good for our customers and their businesses. We are proud to do our part and inspired to further advance gear technology.


Gearboxes are a step above gears. The gearbox is a mechanical subassembly that transfers energy from one system to another, often through speed reduction and increase in torque. Each gearbox is made of gears, bearings, and seals, assembled together and enclosed by a hard case or housing. Having the right components is only half the battle. The assembly process takes highly skilled and experienced workers to put together step-by-step each gearbox. The environment of assembly and specifically-designed processes are critical to the finished product’s quality and durability. Tried and true, our customers trust us to design, build, and deliver, every gearbox for use in their industrial application.

Precision Products

Our customers demand a superior product and supply chain and we have stepped up to serve them. Other precision products for power transmission are a natural fit for our manufacturing capabilities and engineering expertise. Contact us for more information.